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To end homelessness, our sector needs to change the lives of the people it works with. Changing attitudes is central to this. Taking an outcomes approach is vital to show how you are changing the attitudes of each individual you see. It is the means to demonstrate the real difference you are making in changing lives.
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Morbi vitae dui euismod vulputate sollicitudin
Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl
Vivamus pellenteque, felis quis varius
Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl
Donec ornare pretium eget scelisque justo
Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl
Central government departments, inspection bodies, commissioners and service providers themselves are increasingly recognising their value both in promoting and evidencing client change.
Cras malesuada et orci eget pharetra
“I have been enormously encouraged by the number of times frontline staff have told me that using an outcomes approach has improved the quality of their keyworking with clients. This is what it’s all about”
Kevin Ireland
former Executive Director, London Housing Foundation
Fusce sollicitudin nunc sed placerat varius
Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl
Donec facilis sodales leo sit amet laoreet
Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl
Proin eu purus sed aru aliquet curabir vens
Donec finibus sit amet orci eget ultricies. Praesent posuere ante ut erat fringilla, vestibulum placerat metus mattis. Aenean dictum vitae nisl
Mauris viverra atisan ipsum eget felis prims efficitur varius
In quis lectus sed leo elementum faucibus in dapibus dictum. Nullamolestie tortor nec lectus venenatis, sed blandit dui, dolor at bibendum.
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